Friday, March 4, 2011

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Since I still need to get to a bookstore to buy the next Percy Jackson book (and who knows when that will be), I might start reading another one that I just ordered from Amazon. Are you ready for this? It's not a children's or young adult book - not by a long shot! (Pauses for gasps). Shocking, I know... Alright, how many of you out there are fans of the hit show Dexter on Showtime? Right, me too - hubs and I are completely addicted, thanks to Netflix, and we recently caught up on all of the seasons. Little did I know, it was a book series before it was a t.v. series! So, in addition to the next Percy Jackson book, another one on my reading list is now Darkly Dreaming Dexter, by Jeff Lindsay.

If you're not familiar with the books or the show, Dexter works as a blood spatter analyst for Miami Metro Police forensics. The catch? He's a serial killer, who lives by a code - he only kills really bad people. (I told you it wasn't a children's book!) The series follows Dexter as he tries to lead a normal life and blend in with society, all while keeping his "dark passenger" satisfied. There isn't a single episode of the t.v. series that hasn't dropped my jaw or made me scream because of insane plot twists and crazy murder mysteries, so I have high expectations for the book! We'll see....l

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